The birth of each baby has a long lasting impact on the physical and mental health of mother, baby, and family. We believe it to be the first building blocks in the foundation of parenthood.
The importance of fostering relationships between parents and infants cannot be overemphasized.
Women have complex needs during childbirth. In addition to the safety of modern birth care, and the love and companionship provided by their partners, women need consistent, continuous reassurance, comfort, encouragement, resources, education and respect. They need individualized care based on their circumstances and preferences.
Our doulas are trained to provide physical, emotional, and informational support to women during pregnancy, labor, birth, and in the postpartum period. With the support of our doulas, many women are able to forego epidurals, avoid cesarean births, and have less stressful births. Our skilled doulas empower woman to communicate their needs and perceptions and actualize their dream of a healthy, positive birth experience.
One of the key aspects of the involvement of our doulas is that we provide support by maintaining a constant presence throughout labor and immediate postpartum. Providing specific labor support techniques and strategies, encouraging laboring women and their families, and facilitating communication between mothers and medical caregivers.
Educational Support
We strongly believe in educating our clients so they feel confident to make informed choices regarding their pregnancy and birth. Birth does not always go as planned, however knowing your options and being able to decide what’s best for your body and baby enable you to feel more confident and at peace with your decisions.
Physical Support
Aveta doula’s provide position ideas for comfort and labor progression, hands-on comfort measures such as, counter pressure, breathing techniques and other “doula magic”. A doula’s skilled hands and positioning tools can often help a malpositioned baby find its way through the pelvis and into the birthing parent’s arms.
Emotional Support
Aveta doulas help families to feel supported, heightening the emotional experience of birth and also helping to understand the effects of hormones before and after birth. Whether a birth is completely unmedicated or medically very complex, every family can benefit from nurturing and connection at this tender, incredible time in their lives.
Partner Support
We believe there is no better advocate then the partner who knows and loves you the most. Whether it’s a romantic partner, a friend or a family member the birth partner’s experience matters in birth. We support every birth partner in being as involved as they’d like with the birth. Physical and emotional support make a huge difference for everyone involved.
Research examining the impact of continuous support by doulas reports that women are :
39 percent less likely to have a cesarean section
31 percent less likely to use synthetic oxytocin to speed up labor
9 percent less likely to use any pain medication
35 percent less likely to rate their childbirth experience negatively
15 percent more likely to have a "spontaneous" vaginal birth (no forceps or vacuum extraction)
In addition, the studies found that mothers with continuous support during labor improved outcomes including shorter duration of labor, and higher five-minute Apgar score.